Looking for a unique gift or memento? The Museum Store offers a wonderful collection of gifts to remind you of your visit to the San Mateo County History Museum.
San Mateo County History Museum
Museum Store

The Museum Store carries a wide variety of books on local history.
Proceeds from the Museum Store support the ongoing activities of the San Mateo County Historical Association, including the interactive education programs.
Themed Merchandise

Much of the merchandise in the Museum Store reflects the themes of the museum’s permanent exhibits, including these toys encouraging a child’s entreprenurial spirit.
Featured Publications
In addition to the history publications at the Museum Store , the online store also has other books and journals on local history.

San Mateo County, indeed, is a Cradle of Champions. Over more than a century, it has produced individuals and teams that would be the envy of entire states in other parts of the U.S. – from Super Bowl stars and baseball MVPs to Olympic Games standouts and prep sports dynasties. Its glittering array of athletes, coaches, teams and others connected to the games we play and watch, can be found within the pages of this book – and in the Peninsula Sports Hall of Fame, housed in the San Mateo County History Museum in downtown Redwood City.

Carolands by Michael Middleton Dwyer or the film, Three Women and a Chateau by Luna Productions.

San Mateo County: A Sesquicentennial History by San Mateo County Historical Association President Mitchell P. Postel.

A Higher Calling, written by California journalist John Aiello, provides the first comprehensive review of the judges and attorneys who shaped the San Mateo County Bar and Bench.