Above photo: Grant Washburn surfing Maverick’s, photo by Ed Grant.
Explore what makes Maverick’s an internationally-known surfing spot.

J ust off the coast at Pillar Point near Half Moon Bay in San Mateo County is Maverick’s — where 40-feet high thunderous waves draw the best big-wave surfers from all over the world. The exhibit showcases the history of Maverick’s, a glossary of surfing terms and an interview with a surfer who dared to ride it.


Catch a virtual wave on the WaveRider without having to brave the chilly Pacific!
The highlight of the Maverick’s exhibit is the Waverider, a multi-sensory game interface where daring visitors can take a virtual ride …or wipe-out. Located inside the barrel of the wave, visitors stand on a surfboard and ride a virtual wave. Sensors within the board measure balance and stance, giving a live reaction on a large screen. A successful ride takes the visitor past Maverick’s infamous rocks and toward a cheering crowd on shore.
History Museum Quiz
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