Videos from the Exhibit
Let’s Play Ball
Let’s Play Ball (Mar. 21, 2015-Sept. 4, 2016) in the Changing Exhibit Gallery depicted aspects of semi-professional and professional baseball from the 1900s to the present. Artifacts and images highlighted some of the 92 semi-professional teams that existed at one time or another in San Mateo County. The exhibit also featured professional players who grew up in San Mateo County and honored players who made the area their home after retirement.

Baseball Stories
The San Francisco Seals 5:01
Con Dempsey’s experience with the San Francisco Seals as told by his son, David Dempsey.
San Francisco Giants 4:01
Hank Sauer, Sr. and the San Francisco Giants as told by his son, Hank Sauer, Jr.
A Baseball Family 5:22
The experience of John, Gary, Keith and Dan Hernandez as told by Gary Hernandez.
Playing in the Minor League 4:04
Hank Sauer, Jr. shares his experience playing in the Minor League.
Life in the Minor League 5:53
Jim and Charlene Liggett discuss what life was like when he played in the Minor League.
The Longest Scoreless Game 5:24
David Turnbull talks about his experience pitching during the longest scoreless game, May 9, 1965. The game had 25 scoreless innings.
What is Semi-Professional? 3:56
Pete Cacconi, David Dempsey, Gary Hernandez, Hank Sauer, Jr., David Turnbull and John Ward define semi-professional baseball.
Good Old Sandlot Days 4:50
John Ward talks about developing his website Good Old Sand Lot Days that highlights the semi-professional teams in Northern California starting in the late 1800s.
Playing Semi-Professional, 1950s-1960s 3:27
Pete Cocconi discusses playing semi-professional baseball in the 1950s-1960s.
Playing Semi-Professional 1980s 2:32
David Dempsey talks about playing semi-professional baseball in the 1980s.
Menlo Park Legends 3:43
David Klein talks about starting the Menlo Park Legends.
Old-Timers Game 4:41
Interviews at the Second Annual Old-Timers Game, 1993.
Encountering Baseball Legends 8:21
Pete Cocconi, David Dempsey, Gary Hernandez, Hank Sauer, Jr. and David Turnbull share stories of encountering baseball legends.
The Winningest Coach in California Girls’ Softball 4:08
Jim and Charlene Liggett talk about his experience as the Winningest Coach in California Girls’ Softball.
Note: Jim Liggett had won 1,009 games as a girls’ softball coach when he retired in 2016.
Coaching Youth Baseball 6:00
David Dempsey and Gary Hernandez share memories of having their fathers coach youth baseball. Pete Cocconi, Hank Sauer, Jr., and Gary Hernandez talk about coaching youth baseball in the area.
Remembering the San Francisco Seals 5:24
Michael Casey shares his memories of being a fan of the San Francisco Seals.